CoRe Pro developes a Co-Refining Process technology to (co-)convert the 'waste' streams such as lignocellulosic biomass and end-of-life plastics to renewable fuels and chemicals.
CoRe Pro specializes in (hydro-)pyrolysis, (co-)fluid catalytic cracking, and (co-)hydrotreating.
We design and construct lab- and pilot-scale customized testing units based on our patents, and provide professional testing services.
We contribute our expertise in chemocatalytic recycling to your R&D projects to reduce the value chain carbon footprint (Scope 3 emissions).
Units ServicesAt CoRe Pro, we develop our co-refining process technology by participating in joint R&D projects with parteners in the academy and industry.
- EcoCatalyst: Innovative Solutions for Circular Catalytic Processes
In this project, we further investigate our patented co-fluid catalytic cracking technology for co-processing biomass pyrolysis oil with VGO unsder the refinery FCC conditions.
Northern Netherlands Alliance (Samenwerkingsverband Noord-Nederland, SNN) is acknowledged for the financial support.
We also thank Chemport Catalyser for co-financing this project.
- Innovative process for catalytic recycling of polyvinyl chloride
In this project, CoRe Pro and the project partners - Blue Cycle and the University of Gronoingen investigate the catalytic pyrolysis of polyvinyl chloride (PVC).
We further develop the ex-situ catalytic pyrolysis technology by testing the PVC-containing end-of-life plastics on our lab-scale Catalytic Pyrolysis Unit.
Northern Netherlands Alliance (Samenwerkingsverband Noord-Nederland, SNN) is acknowledged for the financial support.
- Feasibility study on the ex-situ catalytic upgrading of paper sludge pyrolysis vapours to bio-acetic acid and bio-BTEX
In this project, CoRe Pro and the project partner - Alucha investigate the technical and economic feasibility of pilot-scale production of bio-based chemicals (namely bio-acetic acid and bio-BTEX) by catalytic upgrading of the paper sludge fast pyrolysis vapor.
We further develop the ex-situ catalytic pyrolysis technology by testing the post-consumer waste - paper sludge on our lab-scale Catalytic Pyrolysis Unit.
Netherlands Enterprise Agency (Rijksdienst voor Ondernemend Nederland, RVO) is acknowledged for the financial support.
This patented unit offers a solution for pyrolysis of solid and liquid renewable feedstock (either waste or model compound) using a heterogeneous catalyst via an in-situ or ex-situ approach under N2 at an atmospheric pressure (catalytic pyrolysis) or under H2 at a high pressure (catalytic hydro-pyrolysis).
Feedstock: Solid (10-50 g/h, (semi-)continuous) or liquid (10-100 g/h, continuous)
Gas: N2 or H2 (20-100 ml/h)
Catalyst: Solid (particle size of 300-1000 μm, 5-20 g)
Pretreatment reactor: 25-250 °C
Pyrolysis/Catalysis reactor: 400-600 °C
Reaction pressure: 1-60 bar
Condensation: 3-Stage condensation (from -40 °C to 5 °C)
Product sheet - CPU* A customized CPU can be designed and offered upon request.
This patented unit .
Pretreatment reactor:
Pyrolysis/Catalysis reactor:
Reaction pressure:
* A customized (co-)FCC can be designed and offered upon request.
This unit
Pretreatment reactor:
Pyrolysis/Catalysis reactor:
Reaction pressure:
* A customized (co-)HT can be designed and offered upon request.
At CoRe Pro, we provide testing service to partners who wants to recycle 'waste' streams via thermochemical/chemocatalytic recyclying to produce circular products or to apply the circular carbon in the existing production via co-feeding to lower the carbon footprint. We design the tesing plans (preliminary/quick or detailed), perform the experiments (continuous or batch), report the results (conversion, selectivity, yield, and mass/carbon balances), and evaluate the techno-economic viability.
Feedstocks and catalysts
Lignocellulosic biomass, end-of-life plastics, and fossil fuel (for co-feeding). The feedstocks can be solid, liquid, and gas.
Zeolites, oxides, and supported noble-metal catalysts. The catalysts can be powders, extrudates, and granules.
Pyrolysis (fast or slow, in-situ or ex-situ catalytic, atmospheric or high pressure), steam reforming, aqueous reforming, dehydrogenation, hydrogenation, and oxidation. The reactions can be batch or continuous (feeding and product collection).
CoRe Pro B.V.
Netherlands CoC-number (KvK-nummer): 87813882
Dutch VAT-ID (btw-id): NL864414262B01
Address: Zernikelaan 17, 9747 AA Groningen, The Netherlands
Telephone: (+31) 0681355268