We (co-)process circular carbon

CoRe Pro developes a Co-Refining Process technology to (co-)convert the 'waste' streams such as lignocellulosic biomass and end-of-life plastics to renewable fuels and chemicals. 

CoRe Pro specializes in (hydro-)pyrolysis, (co-)fluid catalytic cracking, and (co-)hydrotreating.

Towards a world using only circular materials.

We design and construct lab- and pilot-scale customized testing units based on our patents, and provide professional testing services.   

We contribute our expertise in chemocatalytic recycling to your R&D projects to reduce the value chain carbon footprint (Scope 3 emissions). 

Units Services

CoRe Pro R&D projects

At CoRe Pro, we develop our co-refining process technology by participating in joint R&D projects with parteners in the academy and industry.

Project 2024-2025

       - EcoCatalyst: Innovative Solutions for Circular Catalytic Processes

        In this project, we further investigate our patented co-fluid catalytic cracking technology for co-processing biomass pyrolysis oil with VGO unsder the refinery FCC conditions.

        Northern Netherlands Alliance (Samenwerkingsverband Noord-Nederland, SNN) is acknowledged for the financial support.

        We also thank Chemport Catalyser for co-financing this project.


Project 2023-2026

       - Innovative process for catalytic recycling of polyvinyl chloride

         In this project, CoRe Pro and the project partners - Blue Cycle and the University of Gronoingen investigate the catalytic pyrolysis of polyvinyl chloride (PVC).

        We further develop the ex-situ catalytic pyrolysis technology by testing the PVC-containing end-of-life plastics on our lab-scale Catalytic Pyrolysis Unit.

        Northern Netherlands Alliance (Samenwerkingsverband Noord-Nederland, SNN) is acknowledged for the financial support.


Project 2021-2023

       - Feasibility study on the ex-situ catalytic upgrading of paper sludge pyrolysis vapours to bio-acetic acid and bio-BTEX

        In this project, CoRe Pro and the project partner - Alucha investigate the technical and economic feasibility of pilot-scale production of bio-based chemicals (namely bio-acetic acid and bio-BTEX) by catalytic upgrading of the paper sludge fast pyrolysis vapor.

        We further develop the ex-situ catalytic pyrolysis technology by testing the post-consumer waste - paper sludge on our lab-scale Catalytic Pyrolysis Unit.

        Netherlands Enterprise Agency (Rijksdienst voor Ondernemend Nederland, RVO) is acknowledged for the financial support.

CoRe Pro testing units -

    Catalytic (hydro-)Pyrolysis Unit - CPU

        This patented unit offers a solution for pyrolysis of solid and liquid renewable feedstock (either waste or model compound) using a heterogeneous catalyst via an in-situ or ex-situ approach under N2 at an atmospheric pressure (catalytic pyrolysis) or under H2 at a high pressure (catalytic hydro-pyrolysis).


        Feedstock: Solid (10-50 g/h, (semi-)continuous) or liquid (10-100 g/h, continuous)

        Gas: N2 or H2 (20-100 ml/h)

        Catalyst: Solid (particle size of 300-1000 μm, 5-20 g)

        Pretreatment reactor: 25-250 °C

        Pyrolysis/Catalysis reactor: 400-600 °C

        Reaction pressure: 1-60 bar

        Condensation: 3-Stage condensation (from -40 °C to 5 °C)

Product sheet - CPU

        * A customized CPU can be designed and offered upon request.

CoRe Pro testing units -

    (co-)Fluid Catalytic Cracking - (co-)FCC

        This patented unit .





        Pretreatment reactor:

        Pyrolysis/Catalysis reactor:

        Reaction pressure:


* A customized (co-)FCC can be designed and offered upon request.



CoRe Pro testing units -

    (co-)HydroTreating - (co-)HT

        This unit





    Pretreatment reactor:

    Pyrolysis/Catalysis reactor:

    Reaction pressure:


* A customized (co-)HT can be designed and offered upon request.

CoRe Pro testing services

        At CoRe Pro, we provide testing service to partners who wants to recycle 'waste' streams via thermochemical/chemocatalytic recyclying to produce circular products or to apply the circular carbon in the existing production via co-feeding to lower the carbon footprint. We design the tesing plans (preliminary/quick or detailed), perform the experiments (continuous or batch), report the results (conversion, selectivity, yield, and mass/carbon balances), and evaluate the techno-economic viability. 

        Feedstocks and catalysts

        Lignocellulosic biomass, end-of-life plastics, and fossil fuel (for co-feeding). The feedstocks can be solid, liquid, and gas.

        Zeolites, oxides, and supported noble-metal catalysts. The catalysts can be powders, extrudates, and granules.


        Pyrolysis (fast or slow, in-situ or ex-situ catalytic, atmospheric or high pressure), steam reforming, aqueous reforming, dehydrogenation, hydrogenation, and oxidation. The reactions can be batch or continuous (feeding and product collection).

We are proud to provide our testing services to:

Contact us

CoRe Pro B.V.

Netherlands CoC-number (KvK-nummer): 87813882

Dutch VAT-ID (btw-id): NL864414262B01

Address: Zernikelaan 17, 9747 AA Groningen, The Netherlands

Telephone: (+31) 0681355268

E-mail: info@corepro.eu




Frequently asked questions

CoRe Pro represents a Co-Refining Process. We provide solutions of catalytic (co-)conversion of circular carbon sources to chemicals in refinery and biorefinery.
A world using only circular materials.
We contribute our expertise in sustainable catalysis and engineering and provide lab- and pilot-scale customized testing units and services to customers to reduce their value chain carbon footprint (Scope 3 emissions).
We contribute our expertise of sustinable catalysis and engineering to our customer' projects by either contract consultancy or joint development.
We provid lab- (1-10 g/hr) and pilot-scale (10-100 kg/hr) testing units to our customers for catalytic (co-)conversion of circular carbon sources to chemicals. The units with automatic and conutious operation are based on our catalysis knowledge, engineering experience, and patents in circular carbon domain, particularly (hydro-)pyrolysis, (co-)FCC, and (co-)HT.
Please contact us if your interested questions are not listed.